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Show Your School Pride

By supporting one of the five schools, you will have a major impact on our institutional reputation, and each school will benefit directly from your support. To make a difference today, please join us with your gift to a Dean’s Excellence Fund. 

Gifts to our Excellence Funds provide flexibility and broad support for the highest priorities of each school, and enable us to immediately address urgent needs and new opportunities across all areas of the school, fund critical programs, activities, and scholarships, and create opportunities for student and faculty support.

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Turn Your State or Country RPi Red by Making a Gift!
Rank State Gifts
1 NY 89
2 MA 17
3 VA 13
Jeannie and Calvin Peterka ’60 Rπ Annual Fund Challenge
When we reach 314 donors, $30,000 will be unlocked for the Rensselaer Annual Fund (area of greatest need), thanks to Jeannie and Calvin Peterka ’60.
314 / 314 Donors
Rensselaer Alumni Association 300th Donor Challenge
In honor of RPI’s next century, once we reach the 300th donor of the day, $30,000 in support of the Rich Bollam ’66 RAA Endowment Fund, RAA Scholarship Fund, and the Rensselaer Annual Fund will be unlocked, thanks to members of the RAA Board.
300 / 300 Donors
Dean Curt Breneman School of Science Memorial Match
Douglas Henck ’74 will match the first $10,000 to the School of Science Dean’s Excellence Fund, in memory of Dean Curt Breneman.
$10,000 MATCHED
Dean’s Excellence Fund - HASS Challenge
If 25 donors contribute to the Dean’s Excellence Fund – HASS, $14,000 in additional support will be unlocked, thanks to Col. Charles D. Burdick ’66.
25 / 25 Donors
Industrial and Systems Engineering Excellence Fund Match
John Pfaff ’71 will match the first $5,000 to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Excellence Fund.
$5,000 MATCHED
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering (MANE) Excellence Fund Match
Gene Grecheck ’74, ’75 will match all gifts to the Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering (MANE) Excellence Fund, up to $6,000.
$4,022 MATCHED
πK Match
Leticia and Ed Watts ’96 will match $1 per lap, up to our goal of 3,142 laps around the Armory!
Who supports Rπ Giving Day?
Check back throughout the day to see which group has the most Rπ Day donors!
Please choose your affiliation(s) with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute:
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumnus or Alumna 1,070
2 Friend 596
3 Parent of a Current Student 548
4 Current Student 458
5 Faculty or Staff Member 193
6 Parent of a Former Student 77
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