What if I don't see the fund I would like to support listed?
If you are not able to find the fund you would like to support, please select the Area of Support of your choice, then select "Other" in the Fund Designation drop down menu, and type in the fund name you wish to support. We will ensure your gift is designated appropriately.
Can I give an amount other than $31.41, $159, $265, $314, or $3,141?
Yes! Those are just suggested amounts. Please type in any amount over $5 in the white box underneath "Amount."
When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card will be charged immediately.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes, contributions to Rensselaer support the university and are eligible for income tax charitable deduction as allowed by law.
Will I receive a receipt for my contribution?
Yes, Rensselaer will send you a gift receipt via email for tax purposes.
Who should I contact with questions about my contribution?
Please call (518) 276-8546 or email our Gifts Processing Office during regular business hours, EDT.
See our full FAQ for more answers.
You can also contact us at givenow@rpi.edu